the gross side of restaurants - stories

momblobnomore Posts: 19 Member
Anyone have gross stories from eating in or working at a restaurant?

I have seen things picked up off the floor and served many times
If a special prep like no bacon was missed it is picked off by hand and covered with more cheese usually
People eat fries, clam strips, etc off plates to be served
Floors in kitchen are covered with food, wrappers, etc
The same rag used to clean counter then wipe edges of plates to serve
The napkins silverware is rolled in are touched by at least 3 other people and rolled across sometimes. Dirty table/ counter
Silver is always still slimy coming from dish machine
The nozzles from soda and tea machines are rarely washed and grow a black colored mold
Old meat and supplies are used to make chefs special
This was all in a very clean restaurant compared to other places I've been.

It goes on and on... who else has a good story?


  • momblobnomore
    momblobnomore Posts: 19 Member
    Bump .... No one ?

    I have heard of Mexican places re using in eaten chips off tables for new tables