No matter how hard ai try, that darn washer and dryer continue to shrink all of my clothes. Four years ago I lost 45 pounds and was on my way to a new me but now, those same clothes that I had so much fun buyin are all too small! I've gained 25 of those pounds back and am scared of going back to the way I was; someone I…
Ok, I fell off the wagon for a couple of days, which consisted of eating way too much sugar! Because of that, I feel very depressed and sluggish today. I read somewhere that it takes 21 days to change a bad habbit. Twenty one days can seem like forever when you CRAVE the "white stuff"! Pastry in any form (donuts and…
Finding Fitness Pal has really helped me since I joined three days ago. My willpower and incentive to keep trukin' forward has been more enjoyable, and I even let myself have a yummy mint girlscout cookie or two. They have been my favorite since I was a girl scout maaaaaaaaaaany years ago!