Is this bad?
I have noticed since I started doing some stomach exercises that I have a varicose vein in my abdominal area. I knew you could get them in the legs but this is kind of scary. It is really bothersome, itches and keeps me up at night! Anyone else have this happen when you started losing and working out? Any medical pros out…
Why do the breasts go first?
This may seem like a joke question, but it's not. I just wonder if there is a scientific reason why it seems so many women lose in the breasts first. The ONE thing I like about myself this size is my breasts, they actually fill out a shirt as opposed to me at my goal weight. Note: not at all trying to say that you need…
Exercise Help Needed <details>
I know I need to start exercising, however I have severe lower back pain that with many exercise movements turns my upper legs into balls of muscle spasms. I had the nerves burned a year ago (which is probably the cause) but now I'm stuck. Bending is terrible, instant pain, however walking helps only if I am not in pain.…
Since I dropped my calories and started drinking all the water about 1.5 weeks ago, I have had a headache almost every night before bed. A good friend told me it's because I'm detoxing and that it would go away in a few weeks, I hope so, but I'm also concerned that it might be something more serious. I have also cut way…
Sugar Shake up
I've been doing well on my calories, fat, sodium, carbs etc but the sugar limit is driving me nuts! Sodium seems so high and I don't care for salt. I go over my sugar limit almost every day. Realistically, how bad is extra sugar? It's not that much more, I just don't want to blow my weight loss efforts.
Glad I found this!
What happened to that skinny little lady from years ago that couldn't gain a pound over 117? At nearly 40, she's married her soul mate, had 4 children, ....and found 100 lbs. I have little time for anything but after a step on the scale last week, I can't live trapped anymore. What ever it takes, with God's help, I will…