We have left Bag End and are heading south on the lane into Hobbiton. We cross the bridge over The Water and turn west.
Mile 1265: We have left Rivendell and the Last Homely House. The road is now running due west.
Mile 545. I have passed from the circle of Isengard. All around me are newly planted trees and shrubs.
We are processing through the Pelennor and are escorting King Théoden's funeral wain.
From the cleft of the Pass, Sam looks back. Hearing orcs, he puts on the Ring. When orcs reach Frodo, Sam rushes back.
Starting on our way home....back to Bag End!
I've never been real good at keeping a food diary and hope this will help me stay on track. Too many vacations and family issues have made me lazy and it usually (always) adds up to a large weight gain. I'm hoping this will help keep me motivated and accountable for the good and bad choices that I make. We just lost a…