just wondering of alternative ideas for carb alternatives/replacement. just wanted to reduce them a bit. just wobdering what other do? thanks
im 5"2 started out at 10stone 2. now down to 8stone 5lbs. recently ive startes wanted chocolate on an evening. ive have really changed my overall eating. smaller portions lots if fruit and veg. swapped tpo brown bread, brown pasta etc. cut down apart from toast on marg. make more honemade stuff etx etc. and i felt like…
im 5"3 and 119lbs. (8stone 7 lbs). i started at 10 stone 2 lbs. i was 8 stone 2 at my wedding 6 yrs ago. so i was aiming for that weight. but its also ok if i dont reach that as long as i maintain. i currently eat 1200-1500 calories. i dont go to gym but walk quite abit sometimes 1hr a day. can anyone tell me where i go…
hi there. i started out wanting weight loss to be quick....but on this journey i have reLly changed my views and this is defibately a lifestyle change. i think i realised when i started feeling better when i started eatibg better and didnt want to go back to what i used to eat. anyway i am 5"3". started out at 10stone 2.…
i dont know how to upload photos. but have two on my profile. obe when i first started and one a few wks back. ive lost a total of one stone 1lb which im chuffed with. would like to loose another half stone. i dont mind how long it takes. im 5ft 3 and started out at 10stone 2/3 and im now 9 stone 2. im definately feel the…