Greetings to the people and parts of people that are reading this, Hi... Just a fair warning that the below post is unnecessarily long, mis-spelled, poor grammar and full of uncapitalized letters, excessive use of periods, and the much of the crucial information might not even useful. But! its easier to write this…
I choose to be fat Doctors have bullied me about my weight for years, but obesity has given me the armor I needed to survive By Laura Bogart The doctor glances up from the first page of my chart — the only page he actually looks at — with the condescending smile that men…
Going on a few trips that involve water. Would like to get a video camera to record things we end up doing. so i been looking high and low and im beyond f'ing lost. I am really out of my element when it comes to this crap. The three i been looking at all seem to have great pros and low low cons.... here is the three i…
These three movies... all on netflix... are must watch. Sad how ****ed we are and you dont even see it coming, like a fart that you cant smell. Zeitgeist: The Movie - 2007 by Peter Joseph Zeitgeist: Addendum by Peter Joseph. Full movie ZEITGEIST 3 -…
In February I gave up drinking coffee... and with that milk. Since that time I have ran into problems when cooking recipes that called for milk. I went to the store and looked at options. There is soy, but that mimics estrogen and is bad for men. Then there is hazelnut, but im not fond of that flavor. Then there is almond…