Sodium, Sodium, Sodium!!!
How in the world do you manage to control your sodium intake? I'm driving myself crazy trying to find food and recipes that are below "horse-killing" levels of sodium. What do you eat? What do you cook?
495 days. -150lbs.
Got to run so I will make this short. Just wanted to share my biggest milestone yet. 495 days Size 44 - 46 pants --> Size 34 - 36 pants XXXL Shirt --> XL Shirt 327 lbs. --> 176.8 lbs. -155.2 lbs. It's a good day. Also, not time to link to pic, just providing link to my Google+ profile. Pic on link.…
1 year
Before and after shots of my one year mark. Then a comment afterwards. (hope this works...) I am very lucky to have friends and family that have been supportive and encouraging. Today I heard many times that "I should be proud" of myself. While I am very grateful for the sentiment, I am not proud of myself. When I look at…
Green Eggs
Any idea what the nutritional value of green (or Araucana) eggs is? I can't find it anywhere!
100 lb mark
The my 100 lb mark. Have 50 or so more to go. Let see if this picture works. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-oP-B7BnEVaE/TwUOM_Y9QRI/AAAAAAAACYY/MLMHp0eCjds/s1024/100%2520lb%2520day.jpg [edit] Nope. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7035/6657030215_ac01857b7d.jpg [edit] Seriously, Picasa and Flicker both don't work? [edit]…
Am I losing weight too fast?
I started at 327 lbs. on April 1st, and am now 286 lbs. as of today. That's a drop of 41 lbs in 78 days. That is about 0.5 lb. a day on average. The biggest loss at the beginning, but slowing tapering off. I am eating regularly, and I admit, I could get more fruits and veggies in my diet. I take a multivitamin, eat whole…
BMR and Caloric intake questions.
Hi, I'm new here. I have a few questions about BMR and what my goal calorie intake should be. To start, I am a 5'11", 309.2lb, male. My goal is to lose as much body fat as possible. According to http://www.bmi-calculator.net my BMR is 2,696.82, and at a sedentary lifestyle my daily calorie intake to maintain my weight is…