This seemed a bit off to me... I went to my nutritionist who i have been seeing for the last 2 months... My last appointment was yesterday and i asked her if i should eat back the calories that i work off( my calorie allowance is 1300) and she said no not if i want to lose any weight... She also has me oh phentermine... I…
I love this song and video have to play it when I work out .....
Okay... I used to be a very happy healthy person. Then got married and had a child and gained about 60 lbs, also managing to lose any confidence I had prior. I tried to lose weight before lost the bulk of it then gained it all back plus. I started working out again and completely changed the way I eat. My husband is in the…
Anyone know any good websites or recipes that are super healthy and tasty... The only place I found that is amazing is
I have a question I did 50 squat's, 20 reach through sit ups, 5 planks holding for 20 seconds a piece, 20 wall push ups, 3 regular push ups, 70 calf raises, 5 at a 4 count bicycles, 5 at 4 count maison twists, 5 at a 4 count in and outs, 3- 10s superman into v ups and 10 lunches and 1 1min wall sit. I weight 185lbs and am…