Strong vs Weak side reps
Most of us have a dominant side, myself more so since a C5-C6 disc prolapse. On single side weight exercises I always start with my weak side first. Let's say I'm doing a set of 10 reps and max out on 8. Would you do 8 or 10 on your stronger side. I have a fear on overdeveloping my already dominant side.
Late night exercise - Caesin or Standard Whey Protein
I usually take a slow absorbing caesin protein shake before bed. However, 2 nights a week I swim late (finishing around 9:45 pm, intense club swim sessions). Would I be best to take a quick absorbing whey protein shake or stick to my normal routine of a casein shake night cap. Or both, or a 50/50 mix.
Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts with Tony Horton
Has anyone tried this http://www.youtube.com/user/sixpackshortcuts
Insanity Authenticity: Real or Copy
Question to all those of you who have purchased the Insanity DVD workout. Where did you purchase it from and do you think that it is genuine or a cheap copy? I have just purchased my copy and to be honest I am not impressed with the quality of the packaging and the printed material. i.e. Wafer thin nutrition booklet and…
Heart Rate Monitor from Aldi £12.99
Just posting this in case it is of use to anyone. Available from this Thursday. https://www.aldi.co.uk/en/specialbuys/thursday-26th-september/product-detail/ps/p/heart-rate-monitor/