Hi guys, As we all have a quiet a bit to lose and all here in the group together for positive vibes. Would be great to get to know you all a bit better as we go forward... Where are we all based? What is our motivation for doing this and what are we hoping to achieve etc? Guess would just like to know you all a bit better.…
Hi guys, Just got the up for my birthday and must say absolutely loving it so far... Finally got it synced and up and running with my apps. Would love some team mates who both use MFP and the up so can see how you combine the 2. Bit more about me I'm 33 single working mom to a 2 year old monkey who keeps me busy... during…
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm thinking of incorporating a protein shake or bar for after training... I'm wondering which is better bar or shake form... Can any one make any recommendations... One thing thats put me of is I have heard they can be over sweet / chalky etc etc and take a while to get used to...…
Hi, So after a month of being on the site... I decide to finally pluck up the courage to venture into the message boards... Seems i miss out on so much support and community spirit... but I was determined that the first 4 weeks would be myself challenge as didn't want to get confused with all the different advice,…