I need inspiration for my veggies! I usually have my evening meal with courgette spaghetti (zoodles) at least 3-4 times a week as it amkes an easy alternativefor 1 when I am cooking rice or pasta for everyone else. As I'm sure most of us in Europe as aware there has been some pretty bad weather which has led to the failure…
Big headline on the BBC news website this morning - although I have to say the news article wasn't very informative: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-31763205 So I go off and try to find the source https://endo.confex.com/endo/2015endo/webprogram/Paper20716.html Which is an abstract of a poster presented at the Endocrine…
We are off to watch the Rugby 7s in the Commonwealth games tomorrow. Due to security precautions at all the sporting venues we can't take a cool box for our lunch and we will have to pack everyone separately. We can also only take a max of 500 ml liqueid (means we will have to buy some stuff there anyway. Due to cost and…
I think I'm in a bit of a rut with my veg choices. I usually stir fry my veg at lunchtime and in the evening for speed and also to get a good variety into 1 pan at the same time - but it seems like I am always choosing the same veg. lunch always seems to involve cabbage (or other random leaves), tomato, courgette…
I'm hoping someone will be able to help me with this one. My best friend's wee boy has just been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, he is only 8 years old :( He had pretty much constant diarrhoea for 3 months and was finally taken into hospital just before Christmas when he received treatment and was fed through a nasogastric…
My children (6 and 8) have discovered the joy of bacon! Now while I am totally on board with this as a breakfast choice (they usually have an egg with this), it is REALLY expensive to feed 3 people decent bacon every morning. My husband is still committed to his Rice Krispies although I am ever hopeful he will mend his…