I've been really sick (normal cold) and I've been drinking tons and TONS of fluids, including homemade vegetable soup, teas, iced teas, water, etc. I've drunk so much I feel nauseous, but I still drink. Also, when I looked into the mirror, it seemed like I am fatter than before. I mean, this week was kinda bad. It was my…
I don't know if any of you know the answer to my question, but I don't know anybody else who might help me. Two years ago I struggled with anorexia, for a whole year. It got to the limit point, luckily it wasn't fatal, but it affected my health. My parents wouldn't let me diet, or workout, or anything until I started…
Last night my mom arrived late, so my dad and sister prepared some snacks for her. My sister did a whole-wheat flour blueberry cake. And didn't eat much, about 1 and a half slices, but my stomach has been shrienking so I really can't eat that much, and I started feeling like throwing up. I woke up this morning feeling…