I'm 5"4, 118 pounds and I exercise regularly (running, resistant, workout videos such as Brazil Butt Lift and random YouTube workouts). I know I am a good weight, although I do want to lose a couple of pounds and build some muscle. My problem is that I love food. I don't regularly buy processed foods (my diet is mostly of…
I recently found out about it and I'm going to try the 16/8 fast for at least two weeks: 16 hours fasting, 8 hours for eating. What do you think about this idea? Did you try it? Did you have any success?
I just need to lose 2 or 3 kg and then I'll have the beach body I want. I've maintained a healthy weight of 53-55 kg but I just want to be thinner. I love food too much though, gah! I can follow a strict diet for a few days but then I just want to stuff myself with foods I never eat: granola bars, chocolate, bread, cake,…