Anyone else just wanna eat and eat and eat... :P

I just need to lose 2 or 3 kg and then I'll have the beach body I want. I've maintained a healthy weight of 53-55 kg but I just want to be thinner.

I love food too much though, gah! I can follow a strict diet for a few days but then I just want to stuff myself with foods I never eat: granola bars, chocolate, bread, cake, anything that's in the fridge! I cut out carbs and dairy from my diet so it's especially difficult (allergy reasons; my skin breaks out if I eat too much of that stuff).

Anyone else have days where you just don't CARE and just want to feel full? :P Any tips on what you do?


  • sugarchic64
    well thats a hard one!! i think we all feel like that at times... my only suggestion is try to keep busy, eat foods that fill u up (like protein, veggies,fruits and drink lotsssss of water) try to swap an old habit w/ a good one. and allow urself some kind of low calorie splurge just in moderation which is realllly hard! If we had the answer to this problem we be millionaires!!! good luck!! my down fall is adult beverages!! lol m
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    How strict is your diet? Are you cutting out food groups you love? Are you cutting your calories too drastically?

    Even on a moderate deficit, I definitely have days that I just want to eat. But my body will let me know when I cut my calories too low because OMG I can't stop eating!
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Build muscle. You will look sexier, and you can eat more.
  • totallymeh
    I eat veggies, fruits, meats (mostly chicken and sometimes red meat), mushrooms, seeds... Not so much processed stuff. I think I feel like this when I'm especially stressed or unhappy. I went and busied myself with some physical exercise. Seems to have helped!