Almost at goal
This is my before and after. I still have about 15 pounds to lose to goal but the before picture was exactly a year ago today. I didnt start my lifestyle change until January 24 and have lost 68 pounds so far. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=577864158947163&set=p.577864158947163&type=1&relevant_count=1
Nike Fuelband
Does anyone have one of these? What exactly does it do? Is it worth the money?
Net Calories
What are "net calories"?
I'm so frustrated with the scale!!!! I only lost 1 pound last week! I know, I know its a loss but 1 pound?! ugh!!! I stick to my 1200 calories and I work out hard every day! Its not like I don't have the weight to lose. I have lost 47 pounds and have at least another 35 pounds to my goal. I earn lots of extra calories…
BMI going DOWN!
I'm half way to my goal so I still have a way to go but....I have gone from a BMI of 37.9 to 29.6! All my hard work is paying off and I'm so happy!