I need some help. I’m sure something like this has been posted before but here I go. On August 15th I ended up in the hospital. When I got to the ER, they thought I was having a stroke, I had all the symptoms. But after a lot of testing, they realized I had been a panic attack. I have never experienced anything so scary in…
Question for all the people that has had such great success, How often did you weigh yourself? I am really trying to only weigh myself once a month, but is extremely hard to stick to.
I am at the beginning of my journey. I love seeing all the success stories on here, it gives me so much encouragement. I am just wondering if anyone has before and after butt pictures? after losing so much weight does your butt actually get back in shape or just kind of hand there.
Does everyone use a food scale ?? and what is the best type to purchase??
Looking to purchase one. which one does everyone recommend?
Has anyone had any success on walking the 10,000 steps a day to lose weight?
Has anyone actually loss weight from just sticking to calorie counting? Many people that I have spoke to, say that its impossible to lose weight that way. you have to watch your fat and sugars too.