I've been reading more Andrew Weil than usual lately and one of things he strongly recommends it taking a break from watching or reading the news. After spending quite a bit of time online or in front of the television over the past few weeks, I've decided to enjoy the next week of nice weather (keep your fingers crossed,…
I am having the strangest week! It is hot and humid here (as it is everywhere, I think) I've been under on calories all week, and getting my exercise in every day. I'm drinking a lot of water, and sweating just standing still. Yesterday I weighed myself three times and my scale says I've gained 10 lbs in ONE WEEK!!! It's…
I live in New England where it has been hot and stupidly humid for a couple of weeks. It makes it very hard to breathe or do anything outside, but it also kills any desire you have to eat. It's really easy to stick to my calories when everything sounds gross and all I want is ice chips!
Yesterday, I left my job of eight years, working as a church secretary an an idyllic little parish in the woods. I liked my co-workers, I liked my job. I decided to leave a month ago because my daughter is sick and can't be alone and because once we have here healthy again, I want to start an organic, bread bakery. I made…