High Protein/Low Calorie Snacks for work (Preferrably Cheap)
So I know I can search, but there are so many topics that aren't quite what I want. I work at a desk and usually have crunchmaster crackers, yogurt, string cheese or granola bars for a snack... but I'm looking for something that is high in protein and low in calories that I can either keep at work in my drawer or is quick…
What is "good" for Stronglifts?
So I know that this answer will completely depend on the weight/size of the person and how long they've been lifting among many, many other factors. I guess it's more of a comparison so I can get an idea if I should be proud of what I do or shamed into the corner. I am curious where others are in the Stronglifts routine…
Should I be discouraged now?
So I am a big proponent for IIFYM, I am a big proponent for eating more to weigh less, I don't eat clean and I never will (when I try I fall off the bandwagon after a few weeks) and I have been losing weight steadily. Over the past 13 weeks or so I have lost 56 pounds (keep in mind I was quite obese at 337 pounds so it…
Who Needs Taco Bell?
Waffle Taco - Feeds 4 1 cup Great Value Extra Fluffy Pancake Mix 3/4 cup water 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional) 1 cup Great Value Mozzarella cheese (optional) 8 large eggs 1/8 cup Blue Diamond Unsweetened Almond Milk 4 Great Value Turkey Sausage Patties Salt and pepper Mix pancake mix according to package instructions and…
Cholesterol and Protein Powder
So I only use whey protein powder but I noticed that most of them have a massive amount of cholesterol. I take quite a bit of this stuff each day (anywhere from 2 to 4 scoops) plus I make some recipes with the powder. But it is so full of cholesterol that I am worried I'm just slowly killing myself. Should I be concerned…
I know this has probably been beat to death, but most people I see have numbers WAY lower than mine... so I want to get some opinions out there. I used the fat2fit calculator as well as the formula posted all over to figure out what my BMR is. Both fat2fit and the formula give me the same 2651 BMR for the Harris-Benedict…