Olive's birth story
Hello all! Olive Julie Monique (middle names after her grandma's as traditional in my family) was born Monday Jan. 20th around 8:30. She was 50 cm long and 6 lb 13 oz, with dark blue-gray eyes and black hair (so far anyways). We had a scheduled c-section so we knew that would be her birthday and even probably the time…
An unplanned planned c-section
Hello ladies! Just thought I would share to see if anyone else is in the same boat. I had planned a lovely water birth with minimal drugs and my trusty midwife. Of course like the best laid plans, that's gone completely off the rails :P Our little girl is breech and refuses to budge despite all the weird yoga positions,…
Mucus Plug ?
Hello all! Time for some of us is growing short now! I think I've started to lose my mucus plug over the last few days, I've had thick, yellow-y discharge (sorry if that's TMI--pregnancy is so filled with bodily fluid!). I'm getting excited now but I realize it could be days or weeks before labour actually starts,…
Last minute things
Hello ladies! We are quickly approaching our season of birth giving (if you want to call it that). Is there anything left that you'd like to fit in before baby comes? For me there's a lot of house work-y stuff like organinzing lil Miss' room better, etc. But what about fun/other things? It's beginning to dawn on me that…
Pressure in the lower belly--a newbie question
Hello ladies! I'm currently 27 weeks and lately it feels like something different is going on in there. Now i feel pressure on the lower part of my belly and I've noticed that baby girl seems to kick/move either down towards my feet or up towards my ribs. I'm a first-timer and a bit nervous, is this common? She still seems…
Problems sleeping at night
Hello all! Lately I find that I have a hard time either falling asleep, or falling back asleep after waking up to pee. Anyone else have this problem? I'm comfortable enough in bed but I find that all my worries, thoughts, etc. are amplified at night. Normally I sleep like a rock but this past week or so it's hard to get a…
Feeling big in the first trimester
Hi Ladies! I know there was a post from someone much later in their pregnancy than I am about how they felt like a house...well I feel that way and I'm only 10 wks in! I realize this is mostly just-in-my-head-crazy but does anyone else feel huge already? I've only gained maybe 2lbs and some of my old clothes still fits…