Im no mathematician...
But this doesn't add up to me. Has anyone else been experiencing any weird glitchy-ness over the last few days? For example macros adding up to different amounts depending on whether you're looking at the website or the app. Yesterday they were off by quite a few grams, and I'm not sure which is correct.
Is re-heated pasta less fattening?
Article from the BBC this morning http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-29629761 Discuss.
Fasted running
I run 5 times a week; 2.5mi Tues, Weds and Thurs, with longer runs of 4-5 miles on Saturday and Sunday. On my weekday runs I go after work, so about 3 hours after a small lunch of couscous or pasta, but on the weekends I usually go in the morning without eating anything. As my runs get longer I'm concerned I might not be…
Any recommendations for waist packs?
I'm looking for a waist pack/ running belt for longer training runs, It needs to hold a small bottle of water and a large phone (htc one) plus key, cards etc. It also needs to not bounce around too much whilst running. I've seen a few that will fit my phone in, but they've nowhere to fit water or they have a bottle holder…
Cardio: why the hate?
Ok, that is pretty glib question so I will elaborate. Four months ago I started running (well running/walking/dying) because I needed to exercise and running is free, and it turns out I really love it, like it's actually something I enjoy. If what I've been lead to believe by this forum and others is right, if I keep just…
I demand the satisfaction!
A few days ago I had a meeting at work with a rep from the employment agency we use, turns out this rep and I know each other...in the biblical sense. It was a long time ago before I met Husband and I'm not embarrassed about it, It's just kind of funny because I ran into an ex-boyfriend around christmas through work…
Grounds for divorce?
Using my white linen napkins to clean up paint! :sad: Maybe I should just skip the fuss and murder him?!
Not new, But looking for new friends
I'm looking for new friends of similar stats, preferably in the UK but I guess that doesn't matter. I'm female 23 nearly 24, full-time worker/part-time uni student, 5'7, 12st 3lbs (171lbs) and I'm looking to lose 30-35lbs (roughly 2-2.5st) but I'm especially interested in runners. I started running 2 and a bit months ago…
Orthotics Vs Barefoot running for over-pronators
I've recently taken up running about two months ago, and have realised I over-pronate fairly badly, to the point of pain. Having my gait accessed just confirmed the over-pronation and my fears about the salesman trying to scare me into buying the most expensive shoes in the store and not actually giving me any advice. So,…