Fasted running

I run 5 times a week; 2.5mi Tues, Weds and Thurs, with longer runs of 4-5 miles on Saturday and Sunday. On my weekday runs I go after work, so about 3 hours after a small lunch of couscous or pasta, but on the weekends I usually go in the morning without eating anything. As my runs get longer I'm concerned I might not be fueling myself properly.
The problem is the two attempts of me eating before a run (first was a boiled egg, second was a protein shake) ended up with me having to stop to puke, It seems my body can't cope with digesting anything as I'm running. Am I doing myself any harm working out after not eating for 8+ hours? Should I keep trying to eat something and just power through the puke?


  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    With runs of that length you don't really need fuel beforehand unless it works for you. I regularly run 3-4 miles right after waking up, fasted. When you get into the longer runs, you'll either need something on your stomach (maybe a banana, something easy to digest) or some gummy bears in your pocket. Me, I like my short runs and I save the fuel for after.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Just do what works for you. 4-5 miles isn't a huge distance and many people would be able to run this far fasted without problems. Just make sure you have some breakfast shortly afterwards, including some protein to help with muscle recovery.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    Fasted LISS? Sounds like a recipe for muscle loss and high cortisol levels.

    If your goals are centered around running then eat a healthy meal an hour or so before you run. If your goals are centered around body composition then eat a meal an hour before you train and stop running. Instead, lift weights and do HIIT. I would recommend a heavy bag, prowler, sledge hammer, kettlebell or a heavy carrying implement (this could just be a big rock) for your HIIT.
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    Fasted LISS? Sounds like a recipe for muscle loss and high cortisol levels.

    If your goals are centered around running then eat a healthy meal an hour or so before you run. If your goals are centered around body composition then eat a meal an hour before you train and stop running. Instead, lift weights and do HIIT. I would recommend a heavy bag, prowler, sledge hammer, kettlebell or a heavy carrying implement (this could just be a big rock) for your HIIT.

    I have distance running goals, so I won't be stopping running any time soon. Not all of us want to be powerlifters, bro.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Fasted LISS? Sounds like a recipe for muscle loss and high cortisol levels.

    If your goals are centered around running then eat a healthy meal an hour or so before you run. If your goals are centered around body composition then eat a meal an hour before you train and stop running. Instead, lift weights and do HIIT. I would recommend a heavy bag, prowler, sledge hammer, kettlebell or a heavy carrying implement (this could just be a big rock) for your HIIT.

    I have distance running goals, so I won't be stopping running any time soon. Not all of us want to be powerlifters, bro.

    High five.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    I run 5 times a week; 2.5mi Tues, Weds and Thurs, with longer runs of 4-5 miles on Saturday and Sunday. On my weekday runs I go after work, so about 3 hours after a small lunch of couscous or pasta, but on the weekends I usually go in the morning without eating anything. As my runs get longer I'm concerned I might not be fueling myself properly.
    The problem is the two attempts of me eating before a run (first was a boiled egg, second was a protein shake) ended up with me having to stop to puke, It seems my body can't cope with digesting anything as I'm running. Am I doing myself any harm working out after not eating for 8+ hours? Should I keep trying to eat something and just power through the puke?
    Try something simpler like juice or fruit IF you feel it's harder to do on the weekends. Eating/drinking something hard to digest while doing exercise is tough for some. Or try eating something 1 hour before your run.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    Fasted LISS? Sounds like a recipe for muscle loss and high cortisol levels.

    If your goals are centered around running then eat a healthy meal an hour or so before you run. If your goals are centered around body composition then eat a meal an hour before you train and stop running. Instead, lift weights and do HIIT. I would recommend a heavy bag, prowler, sledge hammer, kettlebell or a heavy carrying implement (this could just be a big rock) for your HIIT.

    I have distance running goals, so I won't be stopping running any time soon. Not all of us want to be powerlifters, bro.

    Maybe you should have read my entire statement before responding, bro.

    "If your goals are centered around running then eat a healthy meal an hour or so before you run."
  • Apothys28
    Apothys28 Posts: 56 Member
    I find if you want to fuel for a long run try eating approx. 40g of carbs and 20g of Protein about 1.5 hours before the run. This will give your body time to take in the food and you shouldn't feel the food during your run.
  • goanothermile
    goanothermile Posts: 98 Member
    I run 5 times a week; 2.5mi Tues, Weds and Thurs, with longer runs of 4-5 miles on Saturday and Sunday. On my weekday runs I go after work, so about 3 hours after a small lunch of couscous or pasta, but on the weekends I usually go in the morning without eating anything. As my runs get longer I'm concerned I might not be fueling myself properly.
    The problem is the two attempts of me eating before a run (first was a boiled egg, second was a protein shake) ended up with me having to stop to puke, It seems my body can't cope with digesting anything as I'm running. Am I doing myself any harm working out after not eating for 8+ hours? Should I keep trying to eat something and just power through the puke?

    Definitely don't "power through the puke." Eating and then tossing it up is worse than not eating.

    I don't think you are doing yourself any harm by not eating prior to running when the distances are 5 miles or less. I would definitely suggest drinking some water first. Unless you eat something really simple (like an energy gel, sports drink, etc) then it won't digest fast enough to be of help.

    My experience is that my long training runs in the morning are better if I eat something before. I've tried several different things.

    There are some great specialty foods that work really well for me. I really like a Honey Stinger Waffle before a really long run (10+ miles) or a Grab the Gold bar. However... those are expensive and I have to make a special trip to get them. I usually only get those for a race. I want to make sure I have something easy.

    My go to meal before a long training run is either a peanut butter & jelly sandwich or Nutella on honey wheat bread. I'm not trying to be full, just not empty either.

    For those longer runs, maybe experiment with some simple foods to see what works for your body. Try a small portion. A few almonds or a banana (or even half).

    Once my long runs go over 8-9 miles, I start thinking about nutrition during the run. I don't run more than half marathons these days so an energy gel (Huma is my favorite) does the trick.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I run in the morning before eating, I just don't do well with food in my stomach.. Glass of OJ is about all I have.
    For long runs, anything from 8 miles and on, I use GU chomps for fuel.

    I have a high protein snack after my run.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    I have been running up to 10 miles on Saturdays without having eaten anything with no problems so far. I run first thing in the morning, so eating 1-1.5 hours before is not a possibility. I run shorter distances during the week at the same time without eating also. Try both ways and see what works best for you. I prefer to run on an empty stomach, but fuel may help you feel better and achieve your goals.
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    I don't think there should be an issue. I regularly do fasted workouts, not for weight management but for specific performance goals (i.e. fat Vs. carb utilization).

    This only really works in submaximal workouts - the more strenuous they are, the more carbs are needed. So if you're doing sprints you'll burn through your glycogen in no time and the quality of your workout is likely to suffer. If, on the other hand, you're doing a moderate workout you can go on for a good while using mostly fatty acids. I regularly do "tempo" rides at about 70% for two hours without fuelling.

    That said, your choice of pre-workout food is poor. You want something that will empty really quick. Very close to a race the only thing I'll have is very simple carbs, like gels, white bread and sports drink. Anything high in fat and/or protein will sit for a bit. I learned this the hard way eating a PBJ sandwich before a hard workout - even though I can totally eat them during a moderate ride and even the "easier" bits of a race.

    1 hour, for me, is not enough to digest a normal "meal" if it's going to be a hard workout. for things up to 3 h before a race I only consume 100 - 150 cal per hour I have available for digestion.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    Lofteren-OP's entire post is about RUNNING.

    perhaps YOU didn't read the entire post!

    Running, yes. However, OP didn't state WHY he was running. I repeat:

    "If your goals are centered around running then eat a healthy meal an hour or so before you run."

    I was merely giving an option for each the possible reasons OP had for running. Is this difficult to understand?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Lofteren-OP's entire post is about RUNNING.

    perhaps YOU didn't read the entire post!

    Running, yes. However, OP didn't state WHY he was running. I repeat:

    "If your goals are centered around running then eat a healthy meal an hour or so before you run."

    I was merely giving an option for each the possible reasons OP had for running. Is this difficult to understand?

    WTF? Seriously? I think some remedial reading comp education is in order.

    Lofteren is correct. If the runner's goals are centered around running, properly fueling for the requisite intensity sessions is required. How is that so hard to understand?
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I have run a half marathon fasted--from what I have read you should be fine for fasted long runs until they get to the 18 mile plus distance. Our livers store lots of glycogen and our muscles carry some as well. How long are your morning fasted runs?

    I also can't eat then run. I have to have at least 3-4 hours after eating before I run, longer for large meals.
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    I have run a half marathon fasted--from what I have read you should be fine for fasted long runs until they get to the 18 mile plus distance. Our livers store lots of glycogen and our muscles carry some as well. How long are your morning fasted runs?

    I also can't eat then run. I have to have at least 3-4 hours after eating before I run, longer for large meals.

    Only 4-5 miles, but I have a 10k in November, so I'm currently working towards 6 miles and then further.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Fasted running is not a problem, up to a point. My preference is to hydrate with a quart of water 30 to 60 minutes before a run and eat afterwards. My typical weekday runs cover about 7 miles in an hour, and my weekend runs last 90 to 200 minutes. If I run longer than about 90 minutes, I will plan on carrying water and Gu chomps for hydration and electrolytes. For my weekend runs, I will often have a protein bar and a protein shake at least an hour before hydrating and then running. If I eat an actual meal (usually a 3 egg omelet with cheese) I will follow up with my hydration and wait at least two hours before running. The key is to find what works for you. Eating immediately before your run doesn't seem to work. Try just hydrating 30 to 60 minutes before hand instead. As they say, "Your results may vary."
  • I run up to 10 miles without eating before hand. For runs over 6 miles, I carry a bottle of sugar water with me and sip it (volvic touch of lemon and lime), just to keep me going!
    If I'm running over 10 miles, I have a small breakfast about 2 hours at least before it, otherwise I get really bad stitch!
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
  • Heres an idea. Turn your MapMyRun (or whatever app you use on) and start running in a fasted state. Run until you collapse.

    Then you know how far you can run in a fasted state. Dont run past that point.

    You dont like that idea? Try the reverse. Eat a meal before you run (first an hour). Turn your MapMyRun (or whatever app you use on) and start running until you puke. Write down the distance. You can adjust eating earlier and earlier before your runs and/or also run further until which time you puke again.

    Otherwise you will just keep getting random answers from power lifters, SAHM and Ice Cream Truck drivers all of whom are not you. You have to figure out what works for you.

    Hope that helps