Clean Eating and supplements- Help!
I am headed back to the gym and trying to eat clean but I am a little confused about all the people who say they eat clean and lift heavy- they seem to also take supplements and drink protein shakes. Will protein shakes or supplements help me achieve my goal of building muscle or should I be trying to get everything I need…
Eat Clean 2015
Hiya all, It's time for a healthier me and I would love some friends to help me get there! It would be great to get some ideas on how to stay motivated. My first goal for the year is to eat clean at least 80% of the time. I hope to start lifting heavy and getting stronger and leaner as well. I currently weigh 68 kilos…
Binge Eating Disorder and Stress
Hi all, I am finding it really hard to deal with binge eating at the moment as I am in a stressful job which requires a lot of my time and mental energy and I don't know how to combat the daily binging I am experiencing at the moment. I suppose I am just looking for support and others who understand my situation, I don't…
Diet Soda!!
Has anybody had any weight loss success which they can attribute to stopping drinking this? I am fully aware of how bad it is for me and how terrible the chemicals must be for my body but I am finding it very hard to stop my habit. I Would love to hear stories from others who feel better, cleaner and leaner after stopping…
Can somebody help me with all the confusing and contradictory information out there about supplements? I am a 30 year old female looking to lower my body fat %- which is currently at 33%. I am weight training 4-5 days a week with about 20 minutes of cardio on these days. I am currently trying to eat all the nutrients I…