Ballet Beautiful
Anybody ever take the workout class or use the dvds? It involves pilates, ballet, and some body weight training and I think there's a bit of a cardio element to it. Probably good for a lower impact day
Cardio Queens/Strength Training Queens
I do cardio for at least an hour, hour and a half almost everyday and a couple of bodyweight/kettle bell sessions a week, sometimes I do power yoga as well. I could be better with my diet. I eat mostly clean except I drink soda sometimes. Other than that lots of salads, almonds, coffee, eggs,etc. I pretty much love every…
30 Minute or 1 Hr Circuit Training Workout
I already try lots of different workouts, classes, swimming/water jogging, cardio/strength machines, biking, weights, but I like circuit training. I use kettlebells, my own body weight, dumbbells, a jump rope, and step at the gym or at home. What is a good routine that I can do in 30 minutes or an hour that burns a lot of…
line Walking/Hiking vs Running Calories
Hi, I'm an avid cardio queen, but I did something different. I attempted to set the treadmill to 3.5-4.5 mph and I set the incline to 10 to 15 percent and I noticed the calories were really close to what I would burn running at 6 -7 mph on a 1 % incline. I was really puffing and felt my legs being used in a good way. I'm…
Extra Cardio
Using an aerobic step or jump rope/jogging or running in place while you watch tv to get in extra cardio.
Interesting/Fun Workout DVDS ( 20 MINUTES-60 MINUTES PLUS)
I am a fitness enthusiast who enjoys swimming, sports, the gym, workout classes, machines, biking, but occasionally will workout dvds at home for a change, different reasons. I have Jillian Michaels power yoga, some weight training ones, and I have a jump rope one, a hip hop one, and a step aerobics one, few kickboxing…
Ideal Measurements( Dream/Reality)
Right now mine are 35 by 26 by 36/37. I would love to have 35 by 24 or 25 by 35. What are your ideal measurements, even if they never happen or can't?
Calorie Burn
Jillian Michaels yoga for weight loss, 230- minute workout, have no hrm, but I'm THINKING MAYBE 200 per half hour for someone who's 140? It is pretty hard.
jacob's ladder
So I found that I love the Jacob's ladder machine/versaclimber, reminds me of rock climbing, a ton of cardio doing it. your constantly climbing and using your arms.
Calories Burned
Curious about calories burned in Aqua Zumba, Piloxing, and kettle bell kickboxing( have the dvd set), and interested in the other two. I also have some taebo dvds and those seem really hard and like they could burn a lot in a good way, plus they are fun ( 45 min-75 mins?)
Maintaining your Goal Weight Within 5-8lbs
What are some great ways to maintain your weight within a certain range, rather than by a specific number? Your weight does fluctuate during the day. Otherwise, it not getting out of control and turning into 20lbs + I would say by going by how your clothes fit?