First Half Marathon! Excited!
For all of you awesome people on my friends list or not on it. You will know or read here I love running, and do it daily usually around 3 or 4 miles. Well I've decided to run my first half marathon 13.1 miles in Savannah GA this November 9th! Which gives me enough time to train and prepare for it. I'm very excited as this…
[IF] All You Can Eat (Gain Nothing)
If you could eat anything you wanted, drink anything you wanted and even lose weight cause your metabolism is just so high. What would it be? We all know people like this, or even you yourself used to probably have a metabolism like this. I pick Doritos and I would get my Coke back. Those two things I miss so bad, its like…
Inside Legs Cut from Running & Cardio.
I have no idea how to put this any other way, but I've tried boxers and I've even tried the old school whitey tighties and than I've tried the boxer briefs which have the longer legs then the boxers do. Its all the same! The inside of my leg feels like it is getting sawed in half during a run. Of course I'm not gonna stop…
Your Other Hobbys, Pass Times etc:
We can work out until we are blue in the face, but every now and again we need a little fun! Do you dance, play tennis, play soccer, or just like to cruise on the motorcycle? What is some other things you like to do besides building up a sweat? For me I play hockey, and I've been playing since around 1996, a very fun pass…
U.S Marine Weight Loss Journey
Hello all, I'm Mike 33 years old. So here we go! My goal is to get back down to the 165 range. Right now? Don't ask.. But...Since you did, 207!! I can't believe it either!! 207lbs of muscle wouldn't be to bad and I wouldn't complain. However it's not.. At all. To put a long story short, all my life up until around age 25…
Fast Food ::Healthy Options::
I know I can google calories and fast food healthy stuff. But I'd rather hear from people who have grabbed a fast food plate or two and still come up with success on there weight loss goals. Everyday I go to work at 530am and then I come home at around 4 - 5 pm. I get about 1hr 30 mins for lunch which is my dedicated gym…