Hey everyone! I'm looking for meal ideas and I always use instagram for that. Are any of you using instagram and posting food pictures? I would love to follow you :) Just finished my first Whole30, but I keep continueing eating like that as long as I want/can. My account is foodyloui
Hi! I don't know if this is keto related or not. But since I started eating lower in carbs and higher in fat, I feel warmer. I used to be cold all the time. In the winter I couldn't sit still to long (like watching tv) otherwise I would feel chilly and needed a blanket. Now I don't anymore. Same thing when I'm sleeping, I…
Are you guys going to log everything you eat during Christmas? Or have a cheat day(s) of just stay keto but not logging. I'm also interested in what you are going to eat! I'm thinking I'll estimate what I ate and log that. I'm planning on eating all keto proof foods, but I'll never know what's going to be available at…
He, ik ben nieuw bij deze groep! Ik vroeg me af of er toevallig Nederlanders zijn die een low carb / high fat eetpatroon volgen (of primal/keto/lchf/atkins, hoe je het maar wilt noemen). Zoja, willen jullie buddies worden? Lijkt me fijn dagboekjes te kunnen bekijken met Nederlandse producten voor wat inspiratie! Sowieso…