Roze_Lintje Member


  • Some people add it in the text or tell where they got the recipes from. But I don't always need the recipes, it's more about the combinations etc. And if for example I see someone using cauliflower rice, I can always google that.
  • I started following you all! Thanks for responding :)
  • Er zijn genoeg fanatieke Nederlanders op de site hoor! Alleen ze verstoppen zich in het Nederlandse gedeelte van het forum ;)
  • Avocados are high in fibre and high in fat :)
  • I think you should drink more. I drink about 4 to 5 liters a day
  • I sleep better since eating keto! It sounds like your low in sodium, potassium or magnesium. Do add extra salt to everything? I dissolve some salt in warm water every morning and drink that. I heard there is something called lite salt and that's a mixture of salt & potassium. I also take magnesium supplements, that really…
  • I had that too in the beginning, it went away after a couple of days. I think my body had to get used to all the fat. Make sure you consume enough sodium!
  • Looking at your diary they are still pretty low. On average my percentages are 5% carbs, 20% protein and 75% fat. I'm eating about 115 - 130 grams of fat each day.
  • I also think you should eat more fat! And I don't know how the weather is there, but you could also try vitamin D and/or omega 3. But I would start with eating a lot more fat :)
  • You made me think about this, but I actually have the opposite effect as well. I would have bad mood swings, now I'm much more stable. I think it's a combination of keto and magnesium. During shark week I still have the moods swings though, ugh hormones.
  • I agree with fruttibiscotti. I really want to watch her videos because I'm interested in her knowledge, but I can't seem to focus long enough to finnish a video.
  • So it might actually have something to do with keto. I've found a forum where other people where saying they were also warmer then normally. But I can't seem to find something scientific :( I'm still really curious.
  • I stick with keto all week! I noticed if I have a meal with carbs, I feel terrible after eating it and I get a headache. Also the cravings come back. And I'm eating everything I love, so I don't feel the need to have a 'cheat' day.
  • I do count them and I eat around 1500 calories a day, but also keep track of them to see how my macros are doing. My mom doesn't count them and is still losing, but my mom is really good at eating only when she's hungry. I'm not. I would probably eat to much if I wouldn't count. And in the end calories do matter!
  • I'm not checking ketones, too expensive :( I would like a ketone blood meter, but for some reason it's hard to find here. If you need more protein you can take whey powder or something like chicken or shrimps.
  • I tried this today and I really liked it! Thanks for the recipe
  • Cheeese! But I'm a cheesehead (dutch)
  • I had the same feeling in the first couple of weeks, but now I don't have that problem anymore :) And sodium is your friend when eating LCHF, so don't worry about it!
  • I found this part in an article a while back. You might want to up your protein for the first couple of weeks and when you're not that hungry anymore you can lower it to the % you're aiming for.
  • I call it "Hamburger without the bun" but the ingredients don't even fit on a bun, so I don't know where that came from. 1 hamburger 25 grams cheese 40 grams spinach 50 grams avocado 30 grams bacon 15 grams onion 30 grams tomato 15 grams mayonaise Fry the onion, bacon and burger. And the last couple of minutes you put the…
  • If I would order something I would go for shawarma, but that's pretty common in the Netherlands. Our pizza place also has other dishes like a piece of meat (beef, chicken) with mushrooms and a cream sauce. With those orders you also get french fries or bread, but someone else could eat that. I think it all depends where…
  • Mine is open to friends. But I'm Dutch, so I use a lot of Dutch products. If you don't mind, you can add me :) Everybody else who wants to, can also add me!
  • I think your day looks pretty good! About the 20 grams of carbs a day, this is important for when you start and get keto-adapted (using fat as a fuel). There are actually people that stay in ketosis on 40 grams of carbs a day. Different bodies react to carbs in different ways. I personally stay under 20 grams because I…
  • I'm also looking for fitbit friends! //
  • I got a fitbit flex for christmas :) And I would like some friends! If you want, you can add me.
  • I don't measure if I'm in ketosis or not. But yesterday I ate approx. 9 net carbs, so I should be fine! But today it's second christmas day, so we'll see how that goes! But I'm not that worried :)
  • I was only nauseas in the first week / week and half. Probably because of all the fat, I wasn't used to that. The only think that I do sometimes get is that I'm a bit dizzy or feel weak. In the beginning I used to take some broth, but now I just add some salt to hot water and drink that. My mom thinks it's disgusting, but…
  • Hi Anthony! Have you ever thought about going low carb, high fat? Apparently that's very helpful for for people that are diabetic. If you want more information you can take a look at I'm also eating low carb high fat, but I'm not diabetic. So I can't say from my own experiences if it helps. But I feel a lot…
  • I don't go to the cinema that often, but when I have a movie night I like to have snacks too. - Nuts (almonds, pecans, macadamia) - Cheese (to bring with you think about babybel or la vache qui rit or other small packaged cheese) - Pork rinds (my fave!) - Dark chocolate - Mini cervelat - Cheese crisps/crackers
  • Made some new ones yesterday and they are so good! 50 grams of unsalted butter 50 grams of coconutoil 50 grams of hazelnutbutter 15 grams of cacao powder 30 grams of coconut flakes 1 gram of splenda