I had been struggling with anorexia nervosa for about a year or 2, and am now in recovery. I started in january and went from 6 stone 7 and now weigh 7 stone 3 :) i think i'm doing really well, but i want to gain more muscle tha fat, because i'm scared my muscle wasted away in the months i wasnt eating properly. I have to…
I'm recovering from an eating disorder and doing well, great relationship with food again, only problem now is i dont know what is a steady weight gain, i dont want to gain too fast and freak outand go back to bad habits :( so how many pounds is a halthy gain per week? I am 5'9 and weigh about 95 pounds, so how many…
Hi, i don't want to offend anyone who is dieting and trying hard to lose weight, but recently i dieted to an extreme and made myself very ill, i think this site might help me hit my target weight and if anyone has any tips or good healthy weight gain foods i will be very appriciative of your help :) i'm still very young…