Hi-- I just joined. In my entire life, I'd never had any trouble with my weight until about 12 years ago. I am 5'2 and usually maintained around 105 lbs (FYI that is in the normal BMI range and I do weight-training so I am not skinny-fat.) Any time a few pounds would creep on, I'd cut back on food for a week or two and…
Just wanted to share my experience with Lexapro making me fat. I've been fighting weight gain for several years-- it just kept creeping on no matter what I did--- I figured it was menopause but no. I was on Lexapro for 10 years. My weight was OK for the first 3 years or so but then the gaining began. A year ago I hit an…
My metabolism has gone to heck since menopause. I usually eat pretty well and I exercise but it's not doing the job anymore unless I go to extremes. I've heard that using an exercise ball as an office chair can help burn a few extra calories. It makes sense, but I wonder if it burns enough to make a real difference. Has…
Just an idea if you like dogs: -- A lot of people need exercise ideas and a lot of people say they overeat when they have nothing to do. Many pet rescue organizations need volunteers to help with the animals. Dogs, in particular, need to be walked. Wins all around if you volunteer to walk a dog: 1) You get exercise. 2) You…
We went on vacation to Colorado for 2 weeks- did a lot of walking around and hiking. I relaxed my eating habits a little, mostly meaning I ate more carbs than usual- such as bread, rice and potatoes if they came with the meal. I was hungry anyhow. I didn't eat desserts except for a bite or two of other people's. When I…
And soon I can bring my skinny pants out of storage!