Healthy Muffin Recipes??
Anyone have any healthy muffin recipes, that aren't too high in calories and that could work as a small breakfast or snack? Also being able to freeze them is a must.
Grocery store granola bars that are okay for you?
I do purchase many specialty "bars" that are clean like quest bars, larabars, etc... i try to avoid eating them too often none the less. anyway i was wondering are there any from the grocery store that are as good as possible. In terms of having less ingredients and sugar. Any suggestions?
I started New Rules of Lifting for women, a bit worried
Hey everyone, i am on my third week of the new rules of lifting program for women. What i am worried about is the calorie intake and not losing weight. I have, in the past, always went for low calorie diets and lost weight fast. The problem was i gained it back even faster. So now that i am on the program. i feel like i am…
Macros for new rules of lifting for women
For anyone on the program, what do you set your macros as? I know they go over it in the book, but im not really clear on it.