I found this crazy awesome new app called Fooducate! It’s on iphone and android. Also, they have a neato website. Anyway, it’s a FREE app that let’s you scan products in the grocery store, your home, or use the search function and it tells you how “good” or “bad” a product is by giving it ratings. Not so much good or bad,…
Hey all, I just started the program and I'm unable to edit my distance. I run on a treadmill and on the app it says I did .23 miles, when I did 1.35 miles. Anytime I try and edit it, it says unable to reach server or some junk. Can't find out anything on the site and hoping I'm not the only one dealing with this?
Hey hey. I've always wanted to share my story but it's a sad one so, here goes! I promise it has a happy ending though. :) Summer of 2009 I started dating this guy, I had just left university and was living on my own/only really hanging out with him. Well, because we were lazy instead of cooking we would always eat fast…
Hey all. :) First time using my fitness pal and it feels great being here. Since 2011/2012 I've been seriously trying to lose weight but over the past six months I kinda.. Lost that passion and stopped for a bit. Well now I'm back! I've already lost 65 lbs and I have about another 50 to go. :) Feel free to add me, would…