Registrarse en Forocoches
Hola :) Como dije en mi post de presentacion, no estoy registrada en Forocoches, aun no he encontrado a nadie que pudiese invitarme xD Si alguien podria ayudarme con esto, lo agradeceria mucho :)
Metas y cosas
Bueno a ver, para conocernos mejor, que cada uno ponga aqui sus metas en cuanto al peso, que desea lograr y que esta haciendo para llegar hasta alli! Yo peso 71 kg, mi meta es llegar a los 60, intento hacer un minimo de 30 min al dia de ejercicios 5 dias a la semana, y tengo hipotiroidismo, asi que mi camino sera largo y…
Feeling sad
Hello For almost 4 weeks I've been exercising 30-60 minuts 5 days a week, I've been putting all my meals in here... I dont have a scale, so I have to measure my weight at my in-laws on sundays (thats when my bf and I go visit them), the problem with this, is that I end up using the scale after breakfast... I should get my…
Hello I was diagnosed with hypo when I was 11, now my doctor says that my thyroid looks ok and in a good balance... I need to lose around 28 lbs to get into the "healthy" zone, and I've been exercising 5 days a week for 4 weeks with no visible results, I guess that the problem is that I eat between 1200 to 1400 calories a…
BMR and TDEE with hypothyroidism
Hello I was diagnosed with hypo when I was 11, now my doctor says that my thyroid looks ok and in a good balance... I need to lose around 28 lbs to get into the "healthy" zone, and I've been exercising 5 days a week for 4 weeks with no visible results. I guess that the problem is that I eat between 1200 to 1400 calories a…
all about calories?
Hi, I've read alot of things about nutrition, and I feel like I know less now than before. My question is... weight is all about calories? Lets say that today I ate a slice of bread, I still have calorie defisit but that slice made me exceed my carbs... am I going to lose weight today? or is like a cheat day? sorry for the…