Spay, Neuter, Vaccinate, Groom or Flea Dip
If the person above you was your pet what would you have done at their next visit to the Vet?
Do any of you have a favorite low cal recipe for possum?
I've been able to pick up quite a few real fresh ones this spring but I need some ideas on a low cal way to cook em up. Any suggestions?
Five Food You Must Not Eat!
Does anyone have an actual list of those? I'm looking to mix up my diet a bit and thought I may as well start there.
Sexy @ss scents
So I'm seeing number of members posts since St. Paddy's Day talking about all the cabbage thev'e been eating just lately and It got me thinking.... A lot of people from here, Canada, and in the US as well find UK, Aussie or Indian @ss scents sexy which begs the question who's @ss scents do people from there find sexy?
Does anyone else sit on their balls?
I bought an exercise ball to use in the office instead of my usual chair. Does anyone else do this? Do you think it's at least marginally better for you than sitting in the usual office chair all day?