A coworker just pointed this product out to me as a LOW carb substitute for pasta! It IS pasta, but has 5g of protein, 5g of carbs and 5g of fiber per serving making it the most ridiculously good for you pasta ever! I was wanting some input as to taste and if anyone can vouch for the health benefits?? I love pasta and have…
I recently purchased a heart rate monitor and I LOVE IT!! But I have a question... My HRM tells me what percentage of my calories burned were from fat based on the zone I was in, V02 tests, my HR, etc, etc... whatever it does... When you guys say you eat your calories back... are you eating ALL of your calories back?? Or…
So I'm sitting here at work... I get on my internet (Google Chrome) and on the homepage it lists your top 8 websites visited. MFP is now the 2nd most visited site on my computer, just under my gmail! I'm sure this isn't good on a business perspective... and I don't spend 4 hours a day at work on this site... but it is a…
My wife and I just joined this site and downloaded the app to our phones yesterday... officially my first (or so I think) under 2000 calorie day was yesterday! It was hard... but when my tummy growled, I would kick the bad boy open and see what healthy snack I could fit into my day without topping the mark! This will help…