I would pay for this!

My wife and I just joined this site and downloaded the app to our phones yesterday... officially my first (or so I think) under 2000 calorie day was yesterday! It was hard... but when my tummy growled, I would kick the bad boy open and see what healthy snack I could fit into my day without topping the mark! This will help us form our shopping lists and our snack items in the future!

I've tried watching what I eat before, but never had any luck because there was no easy way to monitor my intake on a daily (or hourly) basis. But little did I know until my wife emailed me yesterday, that this rare gem was sitting out here in the land of the web! I downloaded it, set up my profile, started searching for foods that I thought wouldn't be documented yet... lo and behold, there they all were!! Even my 1/2 Tuna sandwich from Jason's Deli was already a food product! Someone did some serious research and programming to allow us all to have something this wonderful at our fingertips! I would pay $20 for this thing! Where is the donate button??

Reading all of the success stories and how helpful and motivating people are with each other on here... I think I'll become a daily message board user!

Any tips and tricks would be welcome... I know there is a section for it on her, and I'm reading through it, but if you have something that has worked for you that hasn't been mentioned... it would be beneficial for us to know!


  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome to you and your wife! This site is awesome.. It is great to have a place to log everything and be surrounded by people in the same boat as you and motivate you... I am newer too and have lost 14 pounds.. I wish you guys luck!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    my words of advice are 2 things......

    exersice and routine

    the total way to loose weight!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    and hi by the way! lol
  • hunsford
    hunsford Posts: 31 Member
    I suppose the best way to donate is to click on the ads. :)

    If you have a smart phone, don't forget to download the app. They have apps for android, iphone and blackberry, so you're probably covered...
  • hunsford
    hunsford Posts: 31 Member
    Oops, Blackberry app is still in progress.
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    There is also another free app for your phone called snack app. You can go in and tell it how many calories you want to use and what you are in the mood for (salty, sweet, chocolate etc.) and it gives you a list. Love It!!
  • Charrisse
    Yep this site is so awesome.. Ive always tried to "guesstimate" what I was eating vs birning and boy was I way off.. hence the 7 yrs of being at about the same weight.
    Ive been here about a month and a half maybe and lost 9 lbs.
    Welcome to MFP!
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    :bigsmile: Welcome to both of you! I've only been on here since 1/13/11 and have lost 13lbs! I love this site and all the friends I've made on it. Feel free to as me! And if you have any questions, let us know!
  • ndhr3d
    ndhr3d Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you for all the comments and help! I try to get to the gym in the mornings... but have a hard time getting myself out of bed. Shame on me! I stumbled across the thread about getting up in the morning for workouts ON THIS SITE!!! How awesome is that... you think you are having a hard time with something... chances are, there's already someone else out there that has posted about the same problem!

    By the way... if you add me... could you shoot my wife a friend invite! I don't want her getting jealous that all these people want to be my friend!! :-)

    beckyh75 - and tell her to get a picture and fill out her info!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Welcome to MFP....it's a great place to be :bigsmile:
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Thank you for all the comments and help! I try to get to the gym in the mornings... but have a hard time getting myself out of bed. Shame on me! I stumbled across the thread about getting up in the morning for workouts ON THIS SITE!!! How awesome is that... you think you are having a hard time with something... chances are, there's already someone else out there that has posted about the same problem!

    By the way... if you add me... could you shoot my wife a friend invite! I don't want her getting jealous that all these people want to be my friend!! :-)

    beckyh75 - and tell her to get a picture and fill out her info!

    I agree with you.......
    I have been trying to get myself out of bed in mornings to either head to the gym or exercise at home....but it is hard!
    This is one of my goals .....makes you feel so much better during the day :smile: