I swear strong lifts have done wonders for my legs and arms...but my stupid belly wont go anywhere!! i'm sorry that is my rant of the day...i just feel so chunky!
I'm not much of a meat eater, I could easily live w/o it, so i feel like i'm not getting anywhere close to eating enough protein a day, esp with lifting..should i do a protein shake? do you all? thanks ladies! :)
I was squatting last night, only with 55lbs and i felt a pop in my tailbone and now it is killing me today! I just have no idea what I could have done! I didnt feel like my form was that bad! eek..now I probably wont be able to squat tomorrow! ok end rant, i'm just so pissed off at myself!
I started my 5 x 5 workout A last night, well sort of, we did squats and bench presses but I just didn't feel like I could complete the barbell rows without researching the form further. Needless to say I'm sore today, mostly because I lead a sedentary lifestyle..I sit behind a desk for 8+ hours a day. I was just wondering…