There are so many conflicting entries in the database. They're not huge just a regular size...
Today I did my first weigh in since late last month and lost 6.3lbs. That alone motivates me to keep eating right and results will be seen:happy:
Best weights to start off with...I'm thinking 8lb and 10lb pairs....maybe 5 I don't want to buy if I find them to be too light
About to log my third nip with chocolate for the day....i cant stop cause they are so dawgone good
Ive been improving my diet for about the last 3.5 weeks and must admit i have exercised none. Ive totally gave up alcohol which has gotten easier over the past couple of weeks. In fact i be thrilled to never have a drink unless in a social setting. I was at the store yesterday and they had my favorite alcohol beverage for…
Is it really that much better?
So after reading about cowsmilk containing pus molecules, particles or whatever you want to call it I truly find my self disgusted by milk now. I know that milk is pasteurized and everything but no thank you on my part. I tried drinking a glass last night and found myself pouring the rest of most of it down the drain. I…
I have a bag that I bought earlier this month and it's not even one fourth gone....I usually add them to my water, salad, and yogurt. Wondering how others fit them into their daily meals?