Have sex!! 6 years??
My recently new favorite is Pinnacle whipped orange vodka with diet 7up (zero cals) & a splash of OJ. Its so yummy. No clue how many cals but im guessing right around 80-100? What is all your favorite adult beverages when you are dieting? when im not being good, I am a beer girl. Shock top and my latest favorite is deep…
Hey Moms! I just had my second boy this past August. I feel like its taking forever this time around to lose the weight and get back to where I was! I have been at the same weight for the past 4 weeks and all I do is work-out like crazy and eat right (mostly ;) ! Anyone have any tips??
How many days a week do you lift? What is your general routine on any given week? I have started lifting weights and am new to all this. I want to gain strength and muscle but am somewhat clueless as to where to start. Any advice you could give me would be awesome. Thanks ;)
I cant always get to the gym because I have two little ones at home but I am curious as to what are some strength and resistance exercises I can do at home?
Hi Guys, I am about 5 pounds away from my goal weight and I was wondering what I should move my calorie intake to so I can maintain once I hit that goal. Right now I am at about 1200 calories a day. I also have questions about what type of workout regime I should be doing. Right now I do about an hour of zumba a day, as…