Back from the retreat
I got back from the DDP Yoga retreat last night and it was FANTASTIC! It was 5 days of two-a-day workouts for about 90 minutes each most days. And then the party started. LOL I consumed more alcohol in the last 5 days than I have in the last 5 years. I can not say enough good things about the experience. People were from…
Have you seen this comparison to P90X?
I would never have thought to compare DDP Yoga to P90X, but the reviewer makes some interesting points. Here it is: http://youtu.be/9WtPkmVtEEU
DDP Yoga vs. P90X
This is a very interesting comparison of the two programs. I would have never thought to compare the two, but the reviewer brings up some really interesting points. I personally do cardio workouts in addition to DDP Yoga. It is my resistance training now. Though I have never done the P90X program, I would do my own gym…
Preaching to the choir
I know y'all already know this, but there is a new video on youtube that compares DDP Yoga to more traditional yoga. Here is the link. http://youtu.be/SU5YJYag_2M
DDP Yoga comparison
DDP Yoga has popped up in a few threads lately. I personally love it. There is an interesting video that just showed up on Youtube comparing DDP Yoga to more traditional yoga. If you are interested, take a look: http://youtu.be/SU5YJYag_2M
Hi everyone. Retreat anyone?
Hello. My name is Kristal. Is anyone anyone else going to the DDP retreat next month? Can hardly wait...
The Power of Daily Exercise
Wow. This is a really interesting article about the power of exercise even for people with an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/11/27/the-power-of-a-daily-bout-of-exercise/?smid=fb-share&_r=0