hey guys! i know there are tons of posts on here about whether or not woman should lift heavy! i for one do! and its awesome! ive seen the best results since!.. however alot of woman are still afraid.. which im still not really sure why!.. alot of women think they'll look like these 300lb body builders! not knowing the…
Yam vs. Sweet potato... is there really that big of a difference between these 2 things?...i realized the other day they were yams i buy not SP, and so i looked and its pretty diff stats.. idk if theyre right, but if anyone knows, please share the info! thanks!
Hey everyone, this is my first time ever using myfitnesspal. however ive been on it now for about a month! i have lost a few pounds.. and am just tryin to track my food intake and my exercise to attain my weight goals before the summer! I recently posted a new blog? called Belly fat, mainly about how i can get better…