What do you think about natural water pills for a person w/ no medical conditions but is feeling bloated and retaining water? Not all the time but occasionally.
I am dropping the pounds and my body is getting stronger (I am still in the obese part) but will I get to the point of feeling light as a feather? Do you?
Sugars, most fats, processed foods. This is what a guy on youtube said, if that is so i'll never be toned.
Most of my body feels soft and warmer before the diet the area was colder and harder.
My extreme appetite is going away yet I still tried to stuff my face. I ended up burning 854 calories today (most I have every burned in a lonnnnng time).. But when I ate breakfast I didnt stop when I felt full and I did the same for dinner. I use to eat 2 1/2 plates of food and get hungry every couple of hours and now I'm…
What do you think? Could it be true for a good percentage of big people?
Should I exercise more if I feel like I could? I walk and run on the treadmill, running gets me tired but i'm back up in a minute. I burned 450 exercising today so far today.. I am overweight tho, is this too much?