Feeling SO Much Better
I've been sticking to FODMAPS/SCD and feel great. If anyone is considering giving it a try, do it. DO IT. I went from constant nausea, painful bloating, random pains throughout my stomach that were an every day occurrence. It's not gone completely, I still get some bloating and occasional pains but wow, huge difference.
Losing Weight To Hopefully Cure Heart Problems
Hey guys, I've been an MFPer for awhile but haven't been active in a few years. Had a 1000 day streak going for awhile! I'm back to it and a big reason is that I've developed paraoxysmal A Fib which is a very scary feeling heart condition. Weight loss is supposed to CURE some people so I am giving it my shot. Best case…
IBS Nearly Drove Me Insane.... But I Beat It
I won't get into too many details but I had such bad IBS/Heartburn/Reflux/Pain that I thought I was dying. Some of my symptoms included: Constant dull pain in my guts, bloating, diarrhea mixed with severe constipation which resulted in pain unlike anything I had ever felt, heartburn and reflux so bad I couldn't sleep, gas…
Looking for Paleo Friends
Hey guys, I've been on a pretty strict diet for a long while now, it's really, really helped my painful IBS. I'm hoping to find some more friends who eat like I do. Specifically I eat a FODMAPS type diet that is basically paleo with a few small exceptions (potatoes). Cheers!
Eastern Medicine?
Has anyone had experience with Eastern Medicine? Acupuncture specifically. I've been having troubling health problems for awhile now that have just recently gotten much worse in the past week or so. I can't eat and I'm getting desperate. A friend recommended a practitioner to me and I'm going to pony up the money to see…
Anyone else with IBS managing it with diet?
Hey guys! Just curious if there are other people out there who are afflicted with IBS and are managing it or attempting to manage it with diet? I've been on a journey these past six months to get my IBS under control. It is SO much better than it was! Most of the time I am pain free which is a huge milestone for me. I'm…
Anyone Else With Food Allergies?? Help
Hello. I've just recently discovered that I've managed to develop adult onset food allergies. I have had 3-5 occurrences of anaphylaxis, the last time this occured my airway started to close up and thick mucus filled my throat. I honestly thought I was going to die. I've been prescribed two epipens but I'm extremely…
What are your Attacks like?
Just curious, what are everyones IBS attacks like? For me, my every day pain was a super uncomfortable bloating. It definitely bordered on pain. I would have trouble finding a position to fall asleep in because of the discomfort. Nausea was also quite normal but has mostly gone away since I cut out gluten. Actual attacks…
Why It's So Hard To Maintain Weight Loss
Friend posted this today, had to steal it, it is a great view. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i_cmltmQ6A It's somewhat depressing but it's helpful to know this is what our body is doing.
Thanks for joining!!
Hey ladies!! Thanks so much for joining. I really, really, really want to lose 20lbs by September and I know it will be so much easier to do this if I have some friends who are doing it as well!
What's your "Reason"?
Do you have any big reasons for wanting to lose 20lbs over the summer? My big reason is I have ordered my wedding dress in a full size smaller than the one I tried on. :O It's a risk, for sure, and if I don't get down to that size I can pay to get a corset added into the dress but I don't want to do that! I've been plagued…
IBS Sufferers
Hello! I wanted to make this post to hopefully be able to help other people who have been suffering from IBS. For the past couple years I've been dealing with IBS alternating. I ate well and was so confused as to why I was constantly in pain. Some of my symptoms included nausea, a constant pain/discomfort in my left side…
I was thinking of trying to do a fast day once a week. Does anyone do this? Does it work? I don't think I could do it more than once a week, realistically.
How Often Do You Weigh Yourself?
Well, how often? :) I'm trying to wait a week before weigh ins but so far it's not working. I need to force myself not to do it more than once a week because it bums me out when the scale doesn't move or god forbid, moves up.
For those of you that lost a lot of weight 60lbs+, did your cholesterol go down after the weight loss? Were you eating a much healthier diet than before, lean meats, fruit and veg, etc.
Work in Progress! Finally found a diet that works: SCD
Hello everyone! I have been suffering from IBS for a year now. Doctors cannot help me besides to describe anti depressants (seriously) and I was at the end of my rope. I had been eating paleo for months and felt just as bad as when I was eating whatever I wanted. I've been struggling with the pain and bloating from IBS.…
Is Sugar screwing with my weight loss?
I've been on a pretty restricted diet for my IBS but I'm also on it to lose weight. So far my IBS has gotten worlds better (woo!) and I'm learning my trigger foods. I've had some good weight loss so I shouldn't even be writing this post, but I need to get back on track and the past two days the scale has very slowly been…