Did anyone else crash and burn over christmas?
Six weeks of diet and discipline pretty much destroyed in 6 days of christmas. I'm feeling bloated and uggghh. I need to bounce back..excuse the pun. Any good detox ideas?
Canola\Rapeseed Oil vs Olive Oil?
Anyone tried Canola\Rapeseed oil for cooking? Apparently it has just under half the saturated fat of olive oil, not sure what it's like in the taste department? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooking_oil (table about half way down)
Slow but sure wins the race..
Hi! 3 weeks ago I was 19.7 stone (273lbs), I started cutting down on carbs and eating high protein and fat but in very small portions regularly, my body went into ketosis and my appetite has now almost disappeared. I did a weigh in today and i'm now 18.5 stone (259lbs), if I keep this up I could reach my target of 13st…