I used to drink 1-3 cups of green tea a day and I loved it. Went back to drinking green tea when I cut out all sodas and juices and coffee to cut down on caffeine withdrawal headaches. They finally subsided and so did my green tea drinking. Recently, I started back drinking it, and I noticed I was getting major headaches…
I have dropped soda, sweet tea, most juices. I've been trying to eat smaller proportions/better foods when I can. I've been going to the gym, not to mention working 5+ hours on my feet constantly walking around as a waitress. Ive been doing this for the past month and a half and have only lost TWO measly pounds. I…
Has anyone used it? Did you like it? Did it work well? Any side effects?
Tell me anything you'd like! Doesn't have to be about weight loss, it can if you want it to be, but I want to know who you are and what you do, and what has made you who you are today! I'm Sarah. I'm 19 years old. I work as a waitress in Texas Steakhouse. I'm a huge video game and anime nerd. I enjoy playing League of…
I am semi nocturnal. I work in the evenings as a waitress (around 5 pm) and don't go to bed until around 6 am. I don't eat before work, or during work due to no breaks, so I come home and eat for the first time around 10-11 pm. Sometimes I'll snack a bit later on in the evening while 'm gaming but other times it'll be just…