Any of you ever tried this? I loved steps and I like Claire so thought I'd buy it to see what it's like.
can anyone give me some ideas of some healthy,family friendly meals? my kids are 3 and 5 so nothing too fancy,spicy etc anything that doesn't contain mushrooms or tomatos
so i broke 2 metatarsals,had the cast thing on for 17 weeks and only just got it off about 6 weeks ago. still in a lot of pain,a little swollen compared to the other foot and red. been for a CT and still under consultant so no outcome from that til i see him ... ...but i am so depressed not being able to exercise the way i…
hey im 27, 5ft3 and 11st 10. i was doing pretty good getting back to my pre children weight of 7st 8 before i broke 2 metatarsals and had a cast on for 17 weeks. had it off a few weeks now and although i still have pain i can't sit about any longer. my downfall was resting on the consultants orders and getting too…