Hi! I just had ACL reconstruction surgery yesterday, and had a knee scope back in February for a damaged meniscus. I injured my knee back in January playing Ultimate Frisbee, did a bad cut and pop, there it went. I've been on MFP for over a year now and at the moment I'm about 10lbs away from my goal weight. I'm taking a…
At my Ultimate Frisbee game last night I came down on my leg wrong and injured my knee badly. Nothing's broken or floating around where it shouldn't be but I'll be on crutches for the next couple of weeks and on very reduced activity after that. I'm a fairly active person who's been fortunate to avoid any serious injury…
The premise is that they had 5 people track their calories for a week (a whole week!) so that they could come up with tips and advice about tracking. They all concluded that it wasn't worth the effort. http://www.buzzfeed.com/caseygueren/how-many-calories-are-in-life#.plkGeDklWe Personally I've found the MFP forums a lot…