A quote for the morning
I have not posted one of these in quite a while. So here ya go this morning. Always remember one little oops or poor decision you made today does not effect tomorrow. Each day make one decision to better yourself through diet or exercise and eventually it will be come a habit and a lifestyle. Dont stress yourself out over…
Tendonitis in my arm...
So I have been a clinical massage therapist for 4 years now and treat all sorts of ailments with posture etc. I know what I have is tendonitis which I have had multiple massage sessions on including a rolfing session which felt awesome on it, but no help at all. I have not done any curls or specific bicep work now for over…
How to lose body fat % Great article.
Will add the link at the bottom so you can use the calculators for water and the links for other articles. Just how much body fat should be lost will depend on one's goals. Let's examine the most effective ways the severely overweight through advanced trainer can lose fat. Read on... By: David Robson Losing body fat is not…
The will to win
The Will to Win by Berton Braley If you want a thing bad enough To go out and fight for it, Work day and night for it, Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it, If only desire of it Makes you quite mad enough Never to tire of it, Makes you hold all other things tawdry and cheap for it, If life seems all empty…
Before and After pics just over one year
Body Media Fit
I wanted to let everyone know on here if you are interested these are on sale through amazon. They have them marked down plus a coupon for 30 dollars off. I was able to order the blue tooth version for $107 dollars.
Holy grail Body Transformation
Has anyone on here used or ordered the Holy Grail Body Transformation. I was just curious if the information found within is or would even be worth paying the dollar to try it out. Lemme know... Thanks!
Olive oil
Report: Most Imported Extra Virgin Olive Oils Aren’t Extra Virgin Posted on July 14 2010 | Categorized in: Olive Oil World By Denise Johnson Olive Oil Times Contributor In a report released today, 69 percent of imported olive oil samples and 10 percent of California olive oil samples labeled as extra virgin failed to…
Saturated fat is good for you.. True or false. TRUE!
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/03/05/end-war-on-salt.aspx?e_cid=20120305_DNL_art_1 Well I wanted to copy and paste the whole article but sometimes there is only so much you can do with a phone. Cheers!
50 Lessons I Wish I Had Learned Earlier
Now that I’m old and gray (but not quite in my rocker yet!), I look back on my life and think about things I wish I knew earlier. It would have made my life so much easier if I knew then what I know now. Here’s my list of things I wish I could turn back the hands of time to tell my younger self. Maybe it’s not too late for…
Congress pushes back on healthier school lunches
WASHINGTON (AP) — Who needs leafy greens and carrots when pizza and french fries will do? In an effort many 9-year-olds will cheer, Congress wants pizza and french fries to stay on school lunch lines and is fighting the Obama administration's efforts to take unhealthy foods out of schools. The final version of a spending…
Marketing to Kids: Collateral Damage in Big Food’s Profit
Marketing to Kids: Collateral Damage in Big Food’s Profit Hunt By Bruce Bradley on Nov 14, 2011 10:45 pm http://www.brucebradley.com/food/marketing-to-kids-collateral-damage-in-big-foods-profit-hunt/?utm_source=Bruce+Bradley+Blog+Subscribers&utm_campaign=8ff29f0d1f-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email I included the link if…
A must watch video!
Do yourself a favor and watch this 4 min or so movie today. It is very beautiful and inspiring. You can do ANYTHING!!! =0) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc4HGQHgeFE&sns=fb
Truvia Natural.. Fact or Fiction
No wonder Truvia is growing like gangbusters. It’s Honestly Sweet. Yum! Where has this product been hiding all these years? But if all this marketing hype sounds too good to be true, you’re right. After digging to discover Truvia’s TRUE story, you may not be so excited to jump on its bandwagon. stevia leaves First things…
Confessions from a food executive
A few weeks ago, I learned of a relatively new blog about food industry deception, but with an interesting twist. The blog's author is Bruce Bradley, who spent over 15 years as a food marketer at companies like General Mills, Pillsbury, and Nabisco. He has since, in his words, "become more educated about the risks and…
Processed foods Trick of Treat.
Link to website of former big food executive. http://www.brucebradley.com/ Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting, Lizard’s leg, and howlet’s…
I Shall Be Glad
Good morning/ evening all of my wonderful MFP friends neighbors and the shadow people that we never see on here. =0) Always remember that whether you participate on here or post that signing on everyday just to be here is a step towards your goal. Whether you have made the decision to be healthy or are making one good food…
2 week road trip...need some info please!
Ok so I know not to many people do this anymore but its a passion of mine and I love it! A friend of mine and myself are renting a car for two weeks and wandering aimlessly about the country. Literally!!! So we want to hear from you about anything cool, weird, interesting, fun and non touristy that you have where you live…
Where to begin
Start Where You Stand By Berton Braley Start where you stand and never mind the past, The past won't help you in beginning new, If you have left it all behind at last Why, that's enough, you're done with it, you're through; This is another chapter in the book, This is another race that you have planned, Don't give the…
Failure Poet: Edgar Guest Failure is ceasing to try! "Tis accepting defeat And to all you may meet Giving voice to a sigh; "Tis in thinking it vain To attempt furthermore And in bowing to pain When the muscles grow sore. Failure is stepping aside From the burnt of the fray In a weak-hearted way, Being content to abide In…
MFP Friends
Greetings all! After reading this today I was thinking mostly of all of you. What a family this is on here. People that have no idea who eachother were to begin with and a chance some will never meet. Yet the love and support show on here is truly amazing in every form of the word. One way or another every word in this…
Feeling stuck
Greetings all, if you have time yes it is a lengthy read but a good one non the less. It is a read for anyone feeling in a rut right now in life, work or health. Hope everyone enjoys, and have a wonderful evening or morning. =0) That’s My Story and I’m Sticking To It By Deb Stewart What is one thing you felt strongly about…
Watch this video!! AMAZING! GO PRO Kona Hawaii
I wanted to pass this along I had just taken the time to watch it. I am not sure who all has seen GOPRO either on facebook or online. If you havent take a look it is pretty amazing! This video was shot of the Iron Man World Championships in Kona, Hawaii and it is AWESOME and very inspiring to any endurance athlete or just…
Greetings everyone!! I welcome you or bid farewell to you on another beautiful day! I dont have much to say on this one as it says it all quite well. I do always like to wish everyone the best as you read this today. Have a wonderful day and a peaceful sleep. Share a smile today with someone special or maybe you know…
Strong enough?
Greetings all! I do hope you all have a wonderful day today or a beautiful peaceful sleep. Go out and show the world some love today to your loved ones and strangers alike. Make healthy decisions and feed your mind with words of encouragement and learning. Make a new decision a day that can make a jump start to your…
What The “Occupy Wall St.” Protesters Are Actually Prote
This is not negative but very informative.. Also if you own a business, or you are in management and you do not have Bob Burg on your facebook or read his blog you are holding yourself back from success. He is an amazing mentor and speaker. What The “Occupy Wall St.” Protesters Are Actually Protesting October 17th, 2011 by…
Comfort Zone
Greetings all you wonderful MFP friends out there!!! I do hope this finds you well this fine day! So here is a touchy subject for most, since most people do not like change. Do you have a comfort zone whether it is at home, or with your nutrition changes? Well lets even throw work in there. If you are not happy where you…
Greetings all!! I do hope this finds you well today. Whether your day is ending or just beginning. Everyone one of us is on the same path for some it may be easy at times and others it could be a daily struggle. Either way you only need to be YOU. Just go out there each day and make your one good decision. Change ONE thing…
Do Less
Greetings all of my wonderful friends on here!! I do hope everyones weekend was grand. A weekend full of family time and love shared among friends. Tomorrow is a start again to another week. We can change something though next week. Lets forget about what the jones's have or what we really really want and focus only on…