I'm one of those people that can't stop bouncing my legs during the day. I sit for about 6 hrs out of my 9 hour day and I spend about 95% of that time bouncing my leg. I've read a few things that calories are burnt while doing that, which would explain why I'm losing more than I'm suppose to. Would a calorie counter pick…
Are they going to add the Kinect to the database? I don't know if many of you have it, but its a workout playing the games and dancing on that thing. They have the Wii, which it is good, but 80% of the games only require your arm movements. The Kinect allows you to use your whole body. I log about 2hrs every other day…
I'm new! So bare with me. Is it true that when you start you get a certain amount of calories according to your weight, but as you lose the weight and check in you would be allotted more calories a day. If so, where is that changed? Thanks!