I am not new but I see other people's tickers that show how much they lost while at the start and at the end is their weight and their goal weight at the end. For me to show weights I seem only to be able to display how many kilos to go. So, I will include my ticker and you will see that no weights are mentioned except for…
How do other people go about logging foods when they have been out for dinner? When it comes to asian style restaurants where dishes are shared, I have no idea what to fill in.
If I am under my kilojoule/ calorie count for the day, is it OK to have a wine? It seems like all calories are not created equal and there are suggestions that calories from alcohol make a difference to weight loss. Anybody know the truth?
Hi, I am 57 and have just started doing this thing seriously as a lifestyle change. I would be happy to lose 10 kilos although more would be even better! Have been doing James Duigan's 14 day plan as a starter for not quite a week yet. I did it before and lost 3 kilos and then continued to clean eat until I went on an…