Looking for clean and lean eaters!

Hi, I am 57 and have just started doing this thing seriously as a lifestyle change. I would be happy to lose 10 kilos although more would be even better! Have been doing James Duigan's 14 day plan as a starter for not quite a week yet. I did it before and lost 3 kilos and then continued to clean eat until I went on an overseas trip.That was 8 months ago. I actually didn't find it that hard as I don't have a sweet tooth but I do like my cheese and red wine (and there's the problem right there!) . I am not a natural exerciser so need to push myself there. I am quite healthy but at the age where I cannot afford to be overweight if I want to stay that way. Any like minded people, feel free to send me a friend request.
Also my idea of clean eating is not to try and reproduce what I consider treats in a clean way. It is to eat healthy stuff like lean protein, fruit and vegetables etc most of the time. I like to have a wine each night but am forcing myself to restrict it to social occasions only until I reach my goal weight. I am in Australia, so summer here, and talk in metric and kilojoules but understand calories and lbs. Any similar people out there?


  • condoleezachiapet
    Hi! I'm a clean eater. I just joined MFP, but I've been eating cleanly since last fall. It has done my skin and energy wonders. You can feel free to add me or just check out my diary (only two days logged as of yet).
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I rinse my fruit and vegetables before I eat them. Does that count?
  • traceleann
    traceleann Posts: 60 Member
    I've started trying to eat cleaner lately too. Trying to stay away from all the processed junk that seems to be everywhere these days. I stick to lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and occasional treat of flavored greek yogurt. I try to eat a large salad with most meals to help fill me up. And lots of water.
    Are you looking for recipe suggestions? Workout plans? Anything like that? I can try to help out. I just started doing Jillian Michel's 30 Day Shred. I've done the video in the past but I've never done it as a scheduled program and I'm actually really enjoying it...and I don't really like to exercise. I even played racquet ball today on my rest day! GASP! I know. I've just realized that getting up and doing something makes me feel so much better than sitting around on my bum all day.
    Add me and I'll try to keep you motivated and we can swap recipes and exercises~!
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I am OK for ideas thanks,Traceleann at the moment but good to know you are out there. I can't see your food diary though even though we are now friends.
    AJ_G - It's a start! ;-)
  • traceleann
    traceleann Posts: 60 Member
    I think it's set on private. I haven't really used the website, just the app, until lately. I'll have to change my settings. But beware Valentine's day date wasn't the greatest. But I did stay within my calorie goal! :)
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    There must be more clean eaters out there!