I have sugar issues and carbs do turn into sugar, my daughter has lost (at a health rate) 50 pounds just on lowering carbs like breads and desserts. How does everyone feel about this. BTW, I am newly coming back to My Fitness pal, I will make it work this time.
Funny but true I LOVE desserts, so here I am probably 30 pounds over weight. Changing my eating habits. Best of wishes to all that are struggling to make a change. I'd love to hear your story.
Hi, my name is Susan and looking to get healthier and lose weight of course. I am in North Carolina but hope that I can get advice and/or suggestions from any "myfitnesspal" folks. My age is 45, I have always been rather thin and tall, 5'10, but as with most people age and lack of exercise can put you over your goal…